
Trezor is the original hardware wallet, the easiest way to protect your digital assets from online attacks while ensuring your investments remain as secure as possible.


Trezor is a leading hardware wallet that provides a secure and user-friendly solution for storing cryptocurrencies. The process of setting up your Trezor begins at This comprehensive guide will walk you through the steps to ensure a seamless and secure initiation of your Trezor hardware wallet.

Step 1: Visit

  1. Open your preferred web browser and navigate to

  2. Ensure that you are on the official Trezor website to avoid any potential phishing attempts.

Step 2: Connect Your Trezor Device

  1. Unbox your Trezor hardware wallet.

  2. Connect your Trezor to your computer using the provided USB cable.

  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to proceed.

Step 3: Install Trezor Bridge (if needed)

  1. Depending on your operating system, you might need to install Trezor Bridge. Follow the instructions provided on the page to download and install the bridge.

  2. Trezor Bridge is necessary for the seamless communication between your Trezor device and the Trezor web wallet.

Step 4: Install Trezor Wallet

  1. Once Trezor Bridge is installed, you will be prompted to install the Trezor Wallet. Follow the on-screen instructions to download and install the Trezor Wallet browser extension or use the web wallet.

Step 5: Initialize Your Trezor Wallet

  1. After installing the Trezor Wallet, you will be prompted to initialize your device. Follow the instructions to set up your Trezor PIN.

  2. Ensure your Trezor is disconnected during PIN setup to maintain security.

Step 6: Backup Your Recovery Seed

  1. Trezor will generate a recovery seed - a crucial backup in case your device is lost or damaged.

  2. Write down the recovery seed on the provided recovery sheet. Keep this information in a secure and offline location.

Step 7: Confirm Recovery Seed

  1. After noting down the recovery seed, Trezor will ask you to confirm it.

  2. Enter the words of your recovery seed in the correct order to verify and complete the setup.

Step 8: Create a Label for Your Trezor

  1. Choose a label for your Trezor device. This helps you identify multiple Trezor wallets if you own more than one.

  2. Complete the setup by following any additional on-screen instructions.

Security Tips:

  • PIN Security: Use a strong and unique PIN for your Trezor device.

  • Offline Storage: Keep your recovery seed in a secure, offline location to prevent unauthorized access.

  • Firmware Updates: Regularly check for firmware updates on the Trezor Wallet to benefit from the latest security features.


By following the steps outlined in the guide, you can securely set up your Trezor hardware wallet, providing a safe and reliable way to manage your cryptocurrency holdings. Enjoy the peace of mind that comes with enhanced security features and take control of your digital assets with Trezor.

Last updated